I have heard that God can bless me when I give financially to a church, but how?
Great question! This can be a sensitive topic of conversation. In fact, many people say "I will talk about anything but religion and politics." What they are really saying is, "I don't want to talk about anything to do with money!"
Let's see what the Bible has to say on the matter. There appears to be 4 ways of giving. Each way of giving, has a different motivation and has a different reward. Here is a sneak peak into those ways that are talked about in the Bible.
Let's see what the Bible has to say on the matter. There appears to be 4 ways of giving. Each way of giving, has a different motivation and has a different reward. Here is a sneak peak into those ways that are talked about in the Bible.
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,' says the Lord Almighty, 'and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,' says the Lord Almighty." - Malachi 3:10-11
What is a tithe?
- Giving the first 10% of your income to the church
- Motivation is obedience.
- The reward is God rebukes the devour-er and opens the floodgates of heaven.
What is a tithe?
- Giving the first 10% of your income to the church
- Motivation is obedience.
- The reward is God rebukes the devour-er and opens the floodgates of heaven.
"Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine."
- Proverbs 3:9-10
What does First Fruits mean?
- This is where you give the first installment of an increase (get a raise, give a raise) to the church.
- Motivation is generosity.
- The reward is God recognizes you don't love money and knows he can trust you with more.
- Proverbs 3:9-10
What does First Fruits mean?
- This is where you give the first installment of an increase (get a raise, give a raise) to the church.
- Motivation is generosity.
- The reward is God recognizes you don't love money and knows he can trust you with more.
Alms Giving
"But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." - Matthew 6:3-4
What does Alms Giving mean?
- Giving to the needy in secret
- Motivation is compassion.
- Reward is equal to the amount given Give $1.00 you can expect a $1.00 back.
What does Alms Giving mean?
- Giving to the needy in secret
- Motivation is compassion.
- Reward is equal to the amount given Give $1.00 you can expect a $1.00 back.
Seed Planting
"Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times." - Mark 4:8
What does Seed Planting mean?
- Giving to the church.
- Motivation is faith and reward.
- Reward is 30, 60 and 100 fold
What does Seed Planting mean?
- Giving to the church.
- Motivation is faith and reward.
- Reward is 30, 60 and 100 fold
An interesting read:
Peter Grandich is co-founder, with former New York Giants player Lee Rouson, of Trinity Financial Sports & Entertainment Management Co., a firm that specializes in offering guidance from a Christian perspective to professional athletes and celebrities.
He says the answers to all sorts of money issues can be found in the good book. I get my financial guidance from the Bible, said Grandich, author of Confessions of a Wall Street Whiz Kid, in a prepared statement.
Money and possessions are the second most referenced topic in the Bible. Money is mentioned more than 800 times and the message is clear: The writers of the Bible anticipated the problems we would have with money and possessions; there are more than 2,000 references, he says. Our whole culture now is built on the premise that we have to have more money and more stuff to feel happy and secure.
Public storage is the poster child for what͛ is wrong with America. We have too much stuff because we've bought into the myth fabricated by Wall Street and Madison Avenue that more stuff equals more happiness. He adds, that’s the total opposite of the truth, and the opposite of what it says in The Bible.
What's Grandich ͛s No. 1 most important biblical rule of finance?
God owns everything. You may have bought that house, but He gave you the money to buy it, so it’s His. The way you give is the way you live. Worldly minded or Kingdom minded. The local church is what God uses to school and train people. This takes finances. If we all do our part, there is nothing we can't do.
He says the answers to all sorts of money issues can be found in the good book. I get my financial guidance from the Bible, said Grandich, author of Confessions of a Wall Street Whiz Kid, in a prepared statement.
Money and possessions are the second most referenced topic in the Bible. Money is mentioned more than 800 times and the message is clear: The writers of the Bible anticipated the problems we would have with money and possessions; there are more than 2,000 references, he says. Our whole culture now is built on the premise that we have to have more money and more stuff to feel happy and secure.
Public storage is the poster child for what͛ is wrong with America. We have too much stuff because we've bought into the myth fabricated by Wall Street and Madison Avenue that more stuff equals more happiness. He adds, that’s the total opposite of the truth, and the opposite of what it says in The Bible.
What's Grandich ͛s No. 1 most important biblical rule of finance?
God owns everything. You may have bought that house, but He gave you the money to buy it, so it’s His. The way you give is the way you live. Worldly minded or Kingdom minded. The local church is what God uses to school and train people. This takes finances. If we all do our part, there is nothing we can't do.