Do Something
Week Two: Purposeful Praying
2 Chron 7:14 Prayer of repentance. When you recognize that life is somewhat out of control there has to be a reason. The weather we have had and the many disasters and loss that so many have experienced is unprecedented. To the same extent that America has rejected God we have seen war and lost increase. It is time for the Church to rise up and repent and live for God instead of self. Eph 6:18-20 The ministers prayer. Anyone that desires to be an effective minister understands it takes a Church and much prayer and covering by those that we are working with. No one makes it alone, we are a body and it takes all the parts working together to build the Church and Kingdom of God to meet all the needs. James 5:14-16 Power of the church. There is a great need for us to assemble in prayer for the health of others. God calls us to intercede for one another. I have found in my own life that many times I am to close to the torments of my natural body to pray alone so I put my faith in the plan of God and call on the Church. Remember it is the Church that Jesus said that the gates of hell could not prevail against. Matt 6:9-13 Model of prayer. The model pray is the foundation that Jesus gave His disciples for our everyday needs. From praying until God is bigger than your needs to; calling out of heaven God’s supply and order with the prophetic voice to; making our needs our faith in God to meet; releasing all offences to stop the fleshly lust and fears from distracting us out of the Spirit we are born again into; to praying over the course of our day and protection that we need from the evil one to proclaiming our place in God’s plan for His kingdom, power and Glory to be experienced in our lives. Prayer is releasing our faith in God for our everyday life. Phil 4:6 Prayer of dependence. Casting our cares upon Jesus and committing our needs to Jesus is where the peace of God can enter your life. Without us communicating our request or acting on our faith in His word, God has been given no door to come into our needs and desire. Faith is acting like God cares and is willing to help in a time of need. Eph 1:15-21 Prayer for growth. Paul’s prayers for us still live. His blessing and desire for us to have the revelation of God’s love and power is a cornerstone for our faith. Wisdom and power are not just our desire, they are God’s inspiration; prepared and revealed in the heart of Paul confirmed for us long ago even before we would ask questions about how much God desired for us. Confirmation of God’s plan for your life is power for your faith and believing when you pray. Mark 14:38 Praying in faith. Prayer isn’t just a monologue of things on your mind or heart. It is faith to receive the blessing that God has for you. It is God’s will that you prosper and be in good health and it is God's word that says, by his stripes we are healed, or that He sent his word and healed them. All of these, when you are praying did’t start with your desire they started with the word of God confirming God’s will. Praying in faith believing, shouldn’t be so hard. It is and open book test with the answers before the questions. |